The Church of the Pacific’s interest in Cambodian ministries support goes back 35 years to Lincoln, Nebraska where Glenn and Mary Frazier were involved with a Cambodian refugee resettlement program. United States accepted thousands of Cambodian people as refugees following the genocide of the Pol Pot years.
Some of those looking for a new opportunity in lif e committed themselves to Christ and Christ’s way of life. One of them, Christopher LaPel became a pastor. Today Christopher directs a large leadership program in Battenbang, Cambodia – Hope for Cambodia and Hope Bible Institute.
For over 25 years, Christopher returns to his home country to teach three hundred people several times a year on the campus of Hope Bible Institute. These “Servant Leaders” of all ages, go back to their home communities to teach what they are discovering. They share hope, healing and the love of Christ. Thousands of Cambodian people have committed their lives to Christ and many house churches have started, becoming a community resource center and from there about 175 church congregations have developed.
The Church of the Pacific in the past years provided financial support for various projects starting in 2017 with the building of a new church building and providing the salary for the pastor. Since that time we have assisted in providing Bibles, medicine, school supplies, and new construction as well as upgrades to church buildings. In 2020, we helped with the installation of 54 plus solar lights on 20 ft. poles in seven providences.
In November 2017, Clyde, Laurel, Kay, Glenn and Mary traveled to Cambodia to share in the dedication of the Poy Char church and visited other communities. In January 2019, Pastor Clyde and Glenn Frazier went to share the lessons at the Servant Leadership training. In January 2020, Glenn and Josh Vea traveled to assist in the Servant Leadership training and to visit the various ministries.
We look forward to continuing this ministry of Hope for Cambodia in the coming years.