There are many things we receive from God: time, talents, finances, possessions, and opportunities. The only thing that God asks is that we give Him back a portion of this. Your giving is set apart as a gift to the Lord for works of mercy, grace, love, and the expansion of the Kingdom of God.
The Church of the Pacific funds the various ministries by God’s provision through the gifts and blessings of our members and visitors. It is our goal to exercise wise and faithful stewardship with God’s provision. Your gift to the Church of the Pacific is ultimately an act of obedience and worship to the Lord and a blessing to us.
With this in mind, the Church of the Pacific encourages you to take advantage of our online giving feature. This is a simple and easy way to support the ministries of the Church. Your gifts blesses the Church to be able to bless others in the community, and around the world.
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
Winston S. Churchill