“ Let us not love in word or tongue, but in deed and in truth.”
The Church of the Pacific is a sanctuary where all are embraced. Visitors are welcome from around the world into our Ohana. Our members are from diverse backgrounds and together we strive to walk the path of Christ through God’s Word, prayer, and deed. We love our North Shore community and offer services reaching those with the least resources. We support one another through Sunday worship, weekly Bible Study, community gatherings and outreach ministries.
Pastor Clyde Fujikawa is our pastor. He infuses the love of God not only at church, but in all his roles including taro farmer, fisherman, auto mechanic, father, husband, counselor and friend. As his congregants like to say, “Through Jesus Christ he fixes hearts and cars!”
Pastor Glenn Frazier is the founder of Church of the Pacific and Pastor Emeritus. He and his wife Mary Frazier continue to offer their support, service and dedication to the Church of the Pacific.
Over the years the Church of the Pacific has grown spiritually and has been financially blessed to expand more services to the community and to ministries abroad.
We enjoy our relationship as a congregation within the Hawaii Conference United Church of Christ. This puts into a covenant relationship with the other 13 congregations of the UCC on the Island of Kauai. The ethnic diversity of these congregations brings a rich historical connection with the evolution of Christian churches and ministries of the Island of Kauai and Ni’ihau. Regular events, camping and worship experiences are planned throughout the year giving us opportunity to connect with families and other congregations from around the Islands.
The missionaries came by double-hull outrigger canoe to Hanalei from the west side of Kauai in 1834. Here they established the Wai’olu Hui’ia Church in Hanalei. Nearly 150 years later that congregation encouraged a group from the newly created Princeville development to begin a Bible Study in Princeville. The Church of the Pacific was accepted into the Hawaii Conference United Church of Christ in 1984. This was the first new congregation to join the conference in 60 years.
The congregation worshipped in various rental spaces for 16 years, and then in 2000 a new sanctuary and community hall were built at the current location and dedicated in November 2000. This sacred space and grounds has been used by many community groups for worship, support, education and family functions. This growing faith community has always made its presence known through its service to “Glorify God and serve the community”.
In the spring of 2007, a parsonage and guest house was completed on the property. The guest house was built to house seminary students in training for ministry. When not in use by students, it was designed to be available for guests who would like to spent time in retreat as well as volunteering in the ministries of the Church of the Pacific.
The Church of the Pacific is a family of people who use the talents God has granted, in serving our neighbors. One of the joys at the Church is the presence and participation of guests and part-year residents. All are welcome with Aloha, to experience Christ’s nourishment in body and soul.
The Story of our Logo

The NAUPAKA FLOWER STORY, in Hawaiian tradition, speaks of a young girl, Nau, and a young man, Paka, who fell in love, against the wishes of Pele. Pele chased them to the mountain where Nau had to remain, while Paka was brought back to the beaches of Kauai. Their separation is symbolized by the top half of the Naupaka flower which can be seen growing only in the mountains. The bottom half can be seen only at the beach. Put together, the two make a beautiful complete 10 petal flower. The maile lei surrounding the two Naupaka flowers is a symbol of love, connection and healing.
The story of the NAUPAKA FLOWER represents the Christian journey of how, through love and compassion, brokenness can be healed and the body and soul transformed into beauty and love.

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